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Tablet Sector: All Flowers Bloom?

September 6th, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 12,856 views

  It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.   — Charles Darwin   Look at the current situation in tablet market: iPad continues to make very remarkable sales around the globe, but not the way as it used to be, as this camp has got strong Read more

When is your NEXT “Wow” to Apple?

July 24th, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 13,731 views

Do you still remember that Steve Jobs used to say that, people don’t know what they really need until you present them what you have, or something into that effect? Indeed, this logic used to make people so crazy about many of Apple’s stunning products, such as the 1000-song-capacity first class iPod which totally reinvented digital music Read more

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Surface Surfaces

June 26th, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 13,614 views

When one tiger is brought to another, they fight.   June 18, Los Angeles, on a press event, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO, unveils a revolutionary product for the first time in the past 37 years of Microsoft’s history, drawing a period of its self-made principal: Never ever make PCs. By revolutionary, I mean, revolutionary to Read more

Captain Cook: Something Unbelievable Is Coming on the Way at Apple

June 1st, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 13,829 views

Local time, in the evening of May 29, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, when presenting at the 10th All Things Digital conference sponsored by Wall Street Journal, is quoted by indicating that something unbelievable is coming on the way at Apple. As always been happening at Apple, captain Cook refuses to leak more, despite the positive denial of the long Read more

On Summary of DVDFab 3D Solutions

May 23rd, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 18,122 views

With the constantly advanced 3D technology, the exponential growth in number of 3D capable cinemas and theatres worldwide and, the day-to-day upgrading of home 3D equipments, 3D movies are witnessing an unprecedented market expansion. Flashing back, it has been 90 years from the world’s 3D debut in 1922, The Power of Love, to the still Read more

3D at Home is Next to Impossible?

May 18th, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 16,413 views

Given the fact that 3D movies are booming, if not yet flooding, movie indulgers find themselves increasingly addicted to the super cool experiences brought by 3D Blu-ray’s. To a large extent, every single progress made in 3D movie authoring technology field will inevitably drive the upgrades of corresponding sectors, by saying so, I mean Read more

Who Can Break the Duopoly of iOS and Android?

May 3rd, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 13,909 views

By the closing bell of the first quarter in 2012, smartphone manufacturers released their Q1 financial sheets in succession. At the meantime, information’s from statistics centers of all sorts also came out one after another. According to the latest statistics released from IDC, the Q1 shipment of Samsung has reached 42.2 million, surpassing Read more

Jobs: Get Inspired

April 19th, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 13,300 views

His passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing. —In Memory of Steve Jobs   Much has been said recently that a biopic portraying deceased Apple cofounder and former CEO Steve Jobs is scheduled to start shooting in the Read more

This time, instead of Apple, Google will make a dent in the universe?

April 12th, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 12,856 views

If someday in the future, in the main street, or in a coffee bar, or somewhere else, you come across a guy who wears a glass with no lenses in front of the eyes, be careful, s/he might be watching you and taking a nice picture of you, of course, without your notice.   Yeah, it is a glass. But, it is more than a glass, it is a computer, it Read more

NOKIA, Are You Still Connecting People?

April 1st, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 12,915 views

NOKIA, the Big Bro, the Giant, the Magnate, the monopolist…once upon a time, or maybe for decades long, too many words are associated with this Titan of telecommunications industry. But now, the King is struggling on its feet. People feel its pain, iOS feels its pain, Android feels its pain, and NOKIA, feels the pain, too.   From when on, Read more