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Will You Bring Super Villain "Megamind" to Your Home?

February 24th, 2011 by DVDFab_Malcolm 115,233 views

Are you a superhero genre fan? Never came into your mind that a super villain turns out to be a superhero? Yes, it happens, in “Megamind”. On Feb 25, 2011, “Megamind” will be released in both Blu-ray and DVD, with a very bad guy with the same name as the hero. Megamind is the most brilliant super-villain the world has Read more

DVDFab Blu-ray Copy Improves Converting Speed with Lightning-Recoding

December 14th, 2010 by DVDFab_Malcolm 110,413 views

Lightning-Recoding is a break-through technology developed by DVDFab recently to improve the performance of Blu-ray Copy. It is exclusively owned by DVDFab. Users can copy progressive H264 Blu-ray video with compression much faster than pay someone to do essay before with Lightning-Recording enabled. What is Read more