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Compression always comes at the cost of video quality?

May 17th, 2016 by DVDFab_Malcolm 15,992 views

Does compressing a movie disc always come at the cost of some video quality? This might be the truth in the past, but no longer the case with the latest DVDFab. Currently, DVDFab is beta testing a new solution which allows users to selectively keep only the wanted audio tracks when compressing a full disc Blu-ray down to BD25 size with its Blu-ray copy software. This new feature aims to offer users a shortcut to save money on buying blank BD 50 discs, or to save space on their HDDs so as to accommodate more backups, but in the meantime, no to compromise on video quality.


The key point of the idea is to remove all the unnecessary audio tracks, so that there is much free space on the blank BD 25 disc to hold much video data, which means, less compression will be made on the video, and small compression rate means better video quality. Why removing the audio tracks? Well, let’s take an example to simplify the explanation. Usually, there is more than one audio track on a genuine Blu-ray disc, like the Despicable Me, there are 4 audio tracks attached to the main movie title, including a DTS HD Master 5.1 track which is in English, a DTS 5.1 audio in Spanish, another DTS 5.1 audio in French, and a secondary AC3/2 audio which is the director’s comment. To a movie lover living in the US, he does not need all the audio tracks except for the English one, so while making backup copies, he can choose to keep only the DTS HD Master 5.1 audio and ditch all the others; and to a guy from France, he might only need the DTS 5.1 audio in French…the same thing happens to the other titles on that disc.


As of now, DVDFab is the 1st one on the market to offer such a solution, and it will soon be available in the next official release. Early birds who want to bite the fresh cake can now go to the forum and download the Beta version, others who have no interest in beta testing can wait a little bit longer, as the next official release is already on the way.


Attached below is a compassion picture between two full disc backups shrank down to BD25 size, with the one in the left keeping all the audio tracks, and the one in the right keeping only the user selected audios. The nominal bit rate of the video increases to 11.7 Mbps, from the previous 6.918 Mbps, a significant improvement on the video quality.



How and where to enable the feature? Simple! When the initial analyzing finishes, just click the Advanced Settings panel, where you can check the box of Choose only the wanted audios to get better video quality, and then from the Available Audios menu, choose the ones you would like to keep during the backup.