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Next Week on Tuesday: Life of Pi Hits on Blu-ray 3D, DVD and Digital Copy

March 7th, 2013 by DVDFab_Malcolm 14,574 views

Then Richard Parker, companion of my torment, awful, fierce thing that kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life.” “All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.


Yeah, I saw this sea survival themed movie in cinema myself, and it really hurt me most when the Bengal tiger headed into the forest without giving Pi a pathetic glance. They’ve been through that much together. They couldn’t have managed to survive without each other’s help during that disaster, that monstrous storm. That said, Richard still did not treat Pi as a friend, that’s why he went directly for his new life even without a nodding goodbye to his partner Pi.


Maybe Pi’s farther was right at the very beginning into the movie: “You think the tiger is your friend? He is an animal, not a playmate. The tiger is not your friend. When you look into its eyes, you see only your own emotions reflected back at you. There’s nothing else.


Above mentioned excerpt is just a small part of the movie where impressed me deeply when I was in cinema. Truly, Ang Lee’s extraordinary, lyrical, genre-defying story can be recommended with the simple, sweeping assurance that it is unlike anything you have ever seen before. When drifting with Pi and the tiger on the open sea, the movie is at its most wondrous section: a ravishing spectacle that treads judiciously on the infinite line between what’s possible and impossible.



The movie, considered unfilmable before Ang Lee brought it to theaters, was proved to be a huge international success, and a box-office bluster, reaching $113 million in the United States, $470 million worldwide. And surprisingly, it scored four Oscars at the 85th Academy Awards, including Best Directing, Cinematography, Visual Effects, and Original Score. In fact, it won 11 nominees.


Those haven’t seen this movie in cinema soon can enjoy it at home, as Life of Pi will hit streets next week on Tuesday, that’s March 12, in Blu-ray 3D, DVD and digital copy. Remind you that DVDFab can help you make backups and rip it to your mobile devices for personal entertainment.