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DVDFab Supports AACS MKB v24 and 10th Generation BD+ to Help You Enjoy New Blu-ray Movies

May 19th, 2011 by DVDFab_Malcolm 17,251 views

DVDFab is always updated to serve users better and better. And whenever a new DVD/Blu-ray copy protection emerges, DVDFab will be immediately armed to deal with it. Just a few days ago, in the update, DVDFab is enhanced in its decryption power as the newly released Blu-ray protections — AACS MKB v24 and 10th generation BD+ — are supported, and they are respectively used in the new Blu-ray releases — “Winter’s Bone” and “Rabbit Hole”.

About MKB v24 and 10th generation BD+:

In an AACS encrypted Blu-ray disc, there’re 4 items: MKB, Volume ID, Encrypted Title Keys, and Encrypted Content. If you want to decrypt such a disc, the MKB should be decrypted at first since the decryption of it provides the Media Key, which is combined with the Volume ID to produce the Volume Unique Key, while the Volume Unique Key can decrypt the encrypted Title Keys, and the Title Key will decrypt the encrypted content. Now the newest version of MKB — MKB v24 is supported by DVDFab.

10th generation BD+ is the latest generation of BD+ which intends to prevent unauthorized copy of Blu-ray discs and the playback of Blu-ray media by unauthorized devices. For more detail about all the generations of BD+, please go to http://forum.dvdfab.com/showthread.php?t=5175.

Note: Both MKB v24 and 10th generation BD+ Discs can be easily handled  by DVDFab Blu-ray Copy, Blu-ray Ripper, and Blu-ray to DVD Converter.