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Demystifying the iPad Mini and iPad 4, What’s Left?

October 29th, 2012 by DVDFab_Malcolm 14,268 views

Just like any other product coined by Apple, wild rumors and lengthy speculations on its specs, pricing, and debut date, some even reportedly unleashed by unidentified company insiders on purpose, were seen traveling online wildly. Now, it’s been one week since iPad mini’s unveiling, those wild rumors and lengthy speculations are proven, wrong or right. If you think this is the end, now you are 100% wrong, because soon, as is often the case, you will see a new round of wild rumors and lengthy speculations, this time centered on whether or not iPad mini will be a new hit given its diminutive size, decreased features, underpowered chip, and controversial price tag, come to light.


Unlike any other product coined by Apple, there was zero wild rumor or lengthy speculation detected before iPad 4, or much fancily addressed as iPad with Retina Display by its inventor, was brought under spotlight in one go with iPad mini on Oct. 23. It is the first time that Apple presented two upgrades under a same product line in one release event since Apple’s establishment and, it is also the first time they rolled out three iPads in one year since iPad’s incarnation. To this point, you may be shocked by Apple’s secured privacy policy on its new product, but you may still ask, the same privacy policy applies to any newbie from Apple, why do others get rumored or speculated before they are finally on stages, and why not iPad 4?


The answer could be simple: the wild rumors and lengthy speculations on iPad 4 are supposedly to make their appearances, if only Apple had played its cards normally, around March 2013, which is believed by all when the next-gen iPad shall come onboard. The fact is, as we’ve already learned, they break the code, and the conventional timetable of releasing new products is dumped. Do they make this seemingly hasty change just to surprise you and me? No, I do think they can do it in a much better way. Remember they are professionally good at playing the “just one more thing” trick. Now that they do this trick four months earlier, it means they have no better choices.


If you visit Apple’s official site often, and if you read between the lines, it’s easy to find out that the previous generation iPad, call it iPad 3 or that so dubbed “The New iPad” as you like, which is a certifiable flop (I’m not one from the International Association of Apple Bashing, but people like us gotta live with the fact that even the greatest company like Apple sometimes makes flops), has been pulled off the Apple Store already. Why? Because just seven months later, “The New iPad” is not new anymore, because “The New iPad” does not make a dent in technical innovation, because “The New iPad” fails to meet the overestimated gross since it hit the shelves. As you may wonder, this is the exact reason why this short-lived iPad 3 is abandoned mercilessly. Sometimes, shit happens, doesn’t it? It really does, especially in Apple, some early iPhone prototypes even never make their ways to sunlight. Feel pissed off? That’s quite understandable.


So, in a nutshell, will Apple sit tight on this new pace for upgrading its iPad models, that’s to say, each October for next-gen iPad mini and each March for the larger size? Well, never know, as they have broken the code for one time, they won’t mind breaking it again, as long as they feel necessary. This, I think, is the only thing that’s left with us, when iPad mini and iPad 4 are demystified.


As a reminder, as iPad 4 and iPad (the New iPad) share the same resolution of 2408 by 1536, and iPad mini has the same as iPad 2, which is 1024 by 768, so if you gonna pursue iPad 4 or iPad mini, do not feel dumped, as DVDFab can help you move all your videos, DVD, Blu-ray or any other format, onto your upcoming iPad 4 or iPad mini. You can just use the iPad 3 profiles for iPad 4, and use iPad 2 profiles for iPad mini for now, until our developers make special profiles for these two iPad models.