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Customize Blu-ray Copy without losing Navigation Menus

June 6th, 2016 by DVDFab_Malcolm 110,800 views

Navigation menus on a DVD or Blu-ray disc give the viewers the second-to-none video control experience, that’s why it becomes the last thing people want to compromise while making backup copies, even in a custom manner. In the past few years, there was no software solution on the market that allows people to freely choose whatever they want to backup. Things get changed when the customize mode of DVDFab Blu-ray Copy came out, and probably it is now still the only one on the market.



However, when the Customize Mode was first rolled out, there was some limitation in it. At that time, to make a custom copy, users must give up the navigation menu. Now with the releasing of version, that awkward no longer exists, because devs at Fengtao Software Inc. have figured out a new way to let users keep the native menus while customizing a Blu-ray disc. That’s even not enough, they also brings the custom menu feature seen in the DVD Creator, Blu-ray Creator and Blu-ray to DVD Converter to Blu-ray Copy. This means, if users do want the original menus, then they have the extra choice to add custom menus in their ways.


To learn exactly how this amazing new feature works, there is a detailed step-by-step guide which is available at http://www.dvdfab.cn/tutorial/Customize-Blu-ray-with-menus