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“Eclipse” DVD/Blu-ray Giveaway Now – Join DVDFab Social Media Campaigns to Win Most Popular Movies in 2010 for Free

October 27th, 2010 by DVDFab_Malcolm 14,735 views

DVDFab aims to provide customers best software and service all the time, and has earned a lot of fame from users all over the world. Given the constant support from DVDFab users and also let more friends begin to know DVDFab then bring fresh breeze to their multimedia life, DVDFab now is launching some social media campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to give the most popular movies in 2010 including Eclipse, Toy Story 3, Inception, Iron Man 2, Alice in Wonderland, etc., all are with 2 versions: Blu-ray and DVD, to qualified participators for free.

Detailed rules are as below:

Facebook: If you are already DVDFab page fan, recommend your friends to join our page. Once more than 10 of them become our page fans, you can win Eclipse DVD for free; once more than 15, you will win Blu-ray instead.

Twitter: From the beginning of this event, send tweets with the hash tag #DVDFab Eclipse included. The contents must have something to do with DVDFab or this very campaign. If you have the most Retweets, you can freely choose either Blu-ray or DVD of Eclipse as your award.

YouTube: From now on, you can freely make and upload any video related to the campaign or related to DVDFab to YouTube. Till the ending day (including that day), if you are among the top three fans whose video gets the most views, you can also choose Eclipse DVD or Blu-ray for free.

For those who take part in this campaign:

If you are qualified, you can choose any movie you want from the available ones, what’s more, you can choose either Blu-ray or DVD according to your preference.

The ending day of those campaigns is Nov. 30, 2010. DVDFab will send them to you ASAP once they are released and have you enjoy them before Christmas.

Please click here to send the information of your friends you recommended on Facebook and the very movie you want. Please send the URL of the video you uploaded on YouTube, or your Twitter account to marketing@dvdfab.com for our valid contact, and don’t forget to tell us which movie you choose as well.

For more information, please go to http://www.dvdfab.com/active_nov.htm.